Data, Fields, and Comparisons

Slidrule lets you use a variety of data in your workflows. Each of the data types below can be included in your Input Fields to start a workflow, used as custom variables in your workflows, or pulled in from your external data requests.


Description: Integers, decimals, floats, you name it.

Examples: age, income, amount_transferred

Comparison Functions: <, <=, >=,==,!=


Description: text

Examples: first_name, employer, bank_id

Comparison Functions: ==,!=


Description: true vs. false

Examples: flagged, active_user

Comparison Functions: == true , == false


Description: dates in format yyyy-mm-dd

Examples: transfer_date, account_created, account_deleted

Comparison Functions: <, <=, >=,==,!=


Description: 1-dimensional sets

Examples: devices_used, recent_alert_ids, flags

Detailed Examples

You can add lists as Workflow Inputs via the Add Field button on the green Input block for your Workflow. You can also use Lists as Custom Variables, either in Rules or Transform blocks.

Comparison Functions:in(list, object) == true, in(list, object) == false

Nested / Complex Objects


Advanced feature: see Note below

Description: complex objects with multiple layers in JSON form

Examples: car_details: { "brand": "delorean", "year":1985}

Comparison Functions: use dot notation to access the individual properties inside the nested JSON. e.g. customer.car_details.year < 1985

Note: you'll need to add these types of inputs by calling the /Execute API endpoint. You can't yet add fields with a "nested" type via the Add Field functionality in the UI. If you call /Execute with a nested input, and have the "Show Collected API Properties" option turned on in the Input Block of your workflow, Sliderule will automatically flatten and display the included properties for use in your rules.

    "last_name": "Smith",
    "first_name": "John",
    "customer_id": "12345G",
     "blob": {
              "a": "goodbye",
              "num": 5,
              "pets": [