Manual Review Inbox

Sliderule workflows can be used to trigger Alerts for manual review. Those alerts appear in the Inbox for triage, decisioning, and action.

Navigating the Inbox

The Inbox can be filtered in multiple ways. Clicking "Assigned to Me" will show only the Alerts assigned to you (or your Teams) for review. Alerts can also be filtered based on assigned users, the original Workflow that generated the alert, the date, and more using the column headers in the Inbox table.

The mini-charts at the top of the inbox show the recently created and resolved Alerts, so you can keep track of how much work is on your Team's plate, and progress over the past day, week, or month.

Reviewing an Alert

Click on a row in the Inbox table to open an Alert. You'll see a summary card on the top left with metadata about the Execution that generated the alert, and a details card on the top right that can be customized to always display the most useful fields for triage (see below)

The organization and information available in the Alert view looks very similar to the Execution Record pages available in the History tab. However there are a few key differences:

  • Assignment - Alerts can be assigned to Users on your team for review. This assignment can be updated using the Assigned To drop-down in the top bar
  • Actions - after review, Users can update the status of an alert by selecting an Action, and leave comments explaining their decisions
  • Action History - records of both Assignments and Actions are available in the Action History tab of the alert for audit trail

Review Actions

When you're reviewing an Alert, you can take a variety of Actions:

  • Re-assign - click on the Assigned To drop down, to re-assign your Alert to another team member
  • Archive - Click on the Actions menu and select Archive to Close the alert without taking further Action
  • Custom Actions - Click on the Actions menu to see the custom Actions you've configured for this Alert type. These actions can be set up to call additional Sliderule workflows in response, for automated calls to your internal company tools and platforms.


New features for custom Review Actions launching soon

Check back in summer 2023


Sliderule users will see all Alerts generated by Workflows they have permissions for, including permissions granted to their Teams. Admin users will see all Alerts generated by all Workflows.

When setting up your Workflows, you can configure which Users or Teams will be assigned when Alerts are triggered. Click on the triple dots next to the Test button at the top of your Workflow to access the global settings menu.

Click Assign Alerts, and you can choose either an individual user or a Team to be assigned to all future alerts generated by the Workflow. Don't forget to save and deploy your Workflow, so these changes will be included in Production.

Customizing Alert Cards for Faster Triage

To make triaging alerts easier, you can customize the top right card to display the most important fields and custom variables. These customizations will be preserved for all Alerts of the same type (generated by same Workflow), and will affect what all members of your team see in these cards.

Note that customization only affects what's displayed in the top card - the underlying records of your execution results and data are immutable.

To change the fields displayed, simply click the pencil icon next to Alert Details in the title for the card. You can pick up to 6 fields to display.