Testing Your Workflow
The simplest way to test your workflow is to run a sample input through the currently displayed version. From inside a Workflow, click the Test button in the top right corner and select Individual.
You can then edit the fields the Workflow will use as its test input, by changing the input JSON.
When you click Test, you'll see three tabs appears:
- Results - shows a table of all the rules firing as part of your Workflow. You can search for fields or rule names in the search bar. If you toggle on "show rules that didn't fire", you'll see those rules appear with a dark grey background to indicate that the conditions weren't met.
- Variables - shows any Custom Variables created as your workflow runs. You can click into them to see exactly what Rules affected their value.
- Data - shows all Data pulled in from your Data Connectors as your Workflow ran.
Dry Run Mode
By default, your workflow will run in Dry Run mode - it will used cached data rather than making live calls to your data sources, and won't save any records of the outcome to the History, Inbox, or Customers pages.
You can always turn of Dry Run mode if you want to make live data calls and persist records. Just flip the Dry Run toggle under the text box for your test input.
If you want to have more granular control over how individual data sources should behave in your test run, select Advanced Settings in the top right.
Updated 9 months ago