Rule Tags & Search

To make it easier to manage large numbers of rules across many workflows, you can create custom text Tags to apply to multiple rules, which can then be used as a filter on the Search page.

Adding a Rule Tag to a Rule

While editing a rule, navigate to the right hand Info panel for you rule. Below the rule type (e.g. If/Then) you'll see an option to Add Tag.

Once you click Add Tag you can pick from any of the existing tags to add to this rule, or type in your own. Note that all tags must use uppercase letters. Once you're done, click "Save Tag" just below the list of tags for this rule.

If you want to remove a tag from your rule, just click the X icon next to the tag.

Searching for Rule Tags

From the Search page, you can click Filters to the right of the Search button. Then on the Rule Tags filter option, you can select one of your Tags from the menu.

This will limit the results displayed to rules with that Tag. If you want to search or filter further, you can use the search page as usual with the Tag still selected.